Wing Surf School | The MACkite Method | Lesson 3

Wing Surf School | The MACkite Method | Lesson 3

In this weeks lesson we will be building on concepts covered in lesson two. Make sure to watch that video and practice the drills before moving on to lesson three. If you made it this far, congratulations, its time to get into the water!

In the last lesson we demonstrated how a wing in motion will create apparent wind by moving forward. We also covered adjusting the angle of the wing to match the wind.

We demonstrated how placement of the wing can help you sail upwind & Downwind. For this next lesson, we will cover how to control your board and some simple water drills you can safely practice to work your way into it.

This drill is to demonstrate how the wind in your wing can move your board safely and easily. Have a seat in the middle of the inter tube. Lift the wing the same way we practiced in the last lesson. Bring the wing up to a slight angle over your head.

The goal here is to try and twist the inter tube using leverage from the sail.Once you’ve accomplished this, go ahead and switch hands to point the wing the other direction. Repeat this step as many times as necessary to feel comfortable twisting the tube.

Next, in the same siting position, hold the handle on the nose of the wing. Use the leverage from the wing and spin the tube to you can pass the wing behind your back. Watch out for the leash.

Repeat this step a few times until you are in control.

Next we’re going to repeat this drill, while sitting on our knees. Bringing the wing higher and use more of your hips to swing the inter tube. Change hands again and keep practicing until you are comfortable.

Take note that you use your hips to counter rotate the leverage created from the wind. It might look a little silly but this is building the muscle memory to help you control your wing and board in the next lesson.

31st Jul 2021 Rygo

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