Brand Compatibility Chart

This chart is the easiest way to tell if what brands you can mix and match with. 

Brand Valve High Y / Low V Loop / Knot (Kite Point of View) Board Spacing
Airush Boston Low V Knot Steering lines, Loop Center lines 6"
Cabrinha Built into hose Low V Knot Steering lines, Loop Center lines 6"
Duotone Duotone Custom High Y Loop Steering Lines, Knot Center Lines 7" / Slider track
Eleveight Built into hose Low V Knot Steering lines, Loop Center lines 6"
F-one High Pressure SUP Depends on kite model Knot Steering Lines and Center Lines 6"
Flysurfer High Pressure SUP High Y Knot Steering Lines and Center Lines 6"
Naish High Pressure SUP Low V Loop Steering Lines, Knot Center Lines 6"
North Built into hose Low V Knot Steering lines, Loop Center lines 6"
Ocean Rodeo Built into hose Low V Knot Steering lines, Loop Center lines 6"
Ozone Boston Low V Knot Steering lines, Loop Center lines 6"
Reedin Max Flow Low V Knot Steering lines, Loop Center lines 6"
Slingshot Built into hose Low V Knot Steering lines, Loop Center lines 6"