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Cheers to Pat - Thanks for All the Sessions
After bringing the MACkite crew and customers the boardsports stoke for 10 years, Pat is moving on join the North/Mystic team. Thanks for everything, Pat, and cheers to your new adventure! Check out the video to see just some of the reasons we love Pat! He'll put a smile on your face just like he has ours.
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12th Feb 2024
Yes, You Should Be Getting Your Kite Wet
Many years ago, pro rider Chris Bobryk and I were kiteboard instructors here at MACkite. Our lesson center was right on the sugar-sand beach of Pere Marquette Park, in Muskegon, Michigan.We would ride as much as we possibly could before and after our lessons and I can remember Chris just hucking himself constantly. He was sending it on every tack. He was absolutely consumed with progressing his kiteboarding ability and it paid off for him in his pro career. I, on the other hand, did not have pro
27th Mar 2018
Kiteboarding: 3 Tips for Riding More
As any dedicated wind-chaser knows, it can be challenging to balance work, life and kiteboarding. Sometimes, we just can't get enough time on the water.
Here are 3 simple tips to help you out!
Subscribe to Wind Alerts via Keep your gear with you at all times. Communicate with your significant other.
The Alert is one of the most important sites/apps for kiteboarders who want real-time wind data from around the world. Not only can you access wind speed
6th Mar 2018
Let's Chat: Different Sports for Hydrofoiling
Differences in Hydrofoil SportsFoilboarding has recently exploded in popularity within the kiteboarding community. With a remarkably efficient design, hydrofoils allow riders to cross into that sub-10 knot threshold while still having a ton of fun. The same logic has been applied to surfing, SUP, windsurfing, and wakesurfing. Riding above the surface of the water, a foilboard gives you the illusion of what can only be described as floating. For kiteboarders in light wind areas, or other wave ri
5th Mar 2018
How to Kiteboard
7 Steps to Becoming a Kiteboarder
Have you seen someone kiteboarding while on vacation or at your local beach? Or maybe you saw a video on YouTube and were like, "what is that?" Your next thoughts were probably "how do they jump so high and land so soft", followed by "I want to do that!" For those of you that want to get started in the sport of kiteboarding but are not sure how, listed below are seven steps that will take you from watching on the beach to riding on the water.
1. Trainer kite
28th Feb 2018
KoGL Test Fest 2017 Thank you
MACkite Test Fest 2017 - Sunshine to beat the band, warm water, lots of beachgoers, and still no wind. On the other hand, with 2017 being the year that all of our brands decided to produce and bring out foils, the no-wind factor worked out darn near perfectly for us. With 3 watercraft on hand, we had loads of people up and shredding on the new foils. With the birth of almost 50 new foilers and plenty of additional experience for the veterans on the force, things are shaping up to be foil-friendl
4th Oct 2017
Kiteboarding: Who Has Right of Way?
In this weeks episode I’ll be going to my sisters bachelorette party in vegas, then I’ll be making my way to interview my good friend Kara Mulder. Kara is a kiteboarder, the author of the flight attendant life and a digital nomad like myself. She has some amazing insights behind the community to be found in kiteboarding and travel.
Before we get into the rules:
A quick reminder, like driving it's always your responsibility to avoid a collision, even if you have the right of way. You can not
29th Jun 2017
New Kiteboarding Spot Assessment
New kiteboarding locations can be intimidating. In this Vlog I'll be covering how to assess a new spot, as well as a few important reminders. These tips will be especially helpful if you're traveling to a location like Hood River, OR.A busy month
Speaking of the Hood, I've spent the last few weeks wrapping up some work in the Pacific North West. From Seattle to Squamish back down to Hood River. It's been eventful to say the least. Fortunately, I was able to get some time on the water m
1st Jun 2017
Packing a kiteboarding Golf Bag
In this Vlog, we’re going to be covering how to pack your kiteboarding bag. The first thing to talk about when packing a kite bag is what kind of bag do you have or do you want.Why a golf bag?
A lot of people who are kiting will go with a golf bag or a bag that can be disguised as a golf bag. Namely, because airlines don't charge for those. Some airlines charge $200 for kiteboarding equipment, which seems very unreasonable.
So the bag I chose is pretty simple, it
19th May 2017
Inboard M1 Electric Skateboard vs. Boosted Electric Skateboard
Thanks for checking out this post! This blog is a part of a larger series of electric-specific blogs. If you find yourself needing more information on electric bikes or electric skateboards, head on over to our new electric website, Electric Bike Place is all about having fun and experiencing biking and skating to its fullest. Learn more and visit our blog here...
First Impressions of the M1 Electric Skateboard
This past week we were fortunate enough to
25th Jan 2017
2017 Cabrinha Fireball Control System Overview
MACkite Talks 2017 Cabrinha Fireball
Hey guys, it's Nathan from MACkite. We’re going to talk about the all-new 2017 Cabrinha Fireball system. The big question this year is going to be - ‘why to get a new Fireball system?’ We’ve been used to loops for years and they’ve worked very well for most situations, and now Cabrinha really threw a wrench in our entire plan for how we connect to our kites. Now, for the last however many years, we’ve been using a loop-and-hook system, and that’s been worki
6th Jul 2016
Summer Memories With RyGo
Summer Memories With RyGoUpdate about September - Pumpkin Spice Latte is now available! While one of us (read: me) is excited for this season, all of us around the shop are rather nostalgic of the summer days gone away. RyGo's summer was one of trying new things, enjoying MACkite as a full time employee, and experiencing cable riding. Read through as he reflects on his Michigan Summer.RyGo's Michigan Summer"This was my first summer as a full timer at MACkite. I have been instructing here for the
11th Sep 2015
3rd Annual Shredit Fest Features Riders at Mulligan’s Hollow
shrEdit Film Festival HighlightsA mountain of pizza, a copious amount of free swag, and videos highlighting some of West Michigan's most awesome shredders. We had an absolute blast for our 3rd annual shrEdit Film Fest! What is shrEdit?shrEdit is a film festival sponsored by MACkite Boardsports, Mulligan's Hollow, and our brands, including Rome, Never Summer ThirtyTwo, Switchback, Sandbox, and Airblaster. Shredders submit their videos either through Vimeo or YouTube and are judged by represe
22nd Mar 2015
2015 Best Kiteboarding RP Control Bar
The Best RP Control Bar keeps getting better and better. For 2015 Best has added some really comfy material to the bar, which makes those extra long sessions that much easier on the paws. They've also tweaked the bar-ends and floats to be more streamlined, which makes for a less cluttered look. The slick, black lines feel like waxed cables in hand and are really easy to unwind and lay out. The cleat can be adjusted to whatever position along the mainline that you'd like. For those with monkey ar
22nd Oct 2014