"Let's Ride"—2018 ION Gearbags

How do you go about carrying all of your kiteboarding gear?

ION has a full-featured line of “golf-style” travel bags that will surely put a smile on the face of any traveling kiteboarder. Whether it’s a trip around the world or just a day-trip to your local spot—ION has you covered.

With the ION Gearbag series, you have a choice between the Core and TEC models. Both will get the job done for you exceptionally well. Build quality, features and capacity are spot-on!

The Gearbag Core series is made from Nylon 600D. I'm guessing that is technical speak for "heavy duty". They are light in weight and have enough space to carry a couple of boards and 3-4 kites, depending on the length you choose. The Gearbag Core has wheels, while the Gearbag Core Basic does not have wheels.

• Sizes: 139cm / 152cm / 165cm / 186cm

The Gearbag TEC series is made from a PU coated Nylon 600D, which means that it is extremely durable and will resist water. The main zipper opens up the bag is a large D-shape, which allows for super easy loading and unloading. If you've ever had a golf bag that has a straight-line zipper right up the middle of the bag, you will appreciate how well this feature works.

You also have the option of "gym bag" style carrying handles in the middle of the bag or a shoulder sling on the end. The shoulder sling allows you to take advantage of the wheels while freeing up your hands for a smaller bag or two. It's a nice touch for sure. The TEC series is also padded to help protect your gear.

The TEC 1/3 will hold a twin-tip and 3 kites. While the TEC 2/4 can carry twin-tips, short surfboards like the North Whip or Pro Whip CSC and 3-4 kites. I'm pretty sure you could camp on the beach in it. Mostly kidding.

• Sizes: TEC 1/3 is 145cm / TEC 2/4 is 165cm

Travel tip: use the ION Kite Crush Bags to save nearly 50% of the space your kites take up in their regular kite bags. Yes, you read that correctly. I am able to fit a North Juice 15m, Neo 12m and Neo 9m ALL into the North bag that came with my Juice 15m. And there's still room for a bar. Try it—you'll be a believer.

Give us a call if you have any questions—we're always here to help!

Thank you, and good winds,


2nd Feb 2018 Aaron Johnson

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