Duotone Wing Academy | Wind and Courses

Duotone Wing Academy | Wind and Courses

Understanding Windward and Leeward

This clip is all about the wind. Using it wisely will guarantee fast and safe progression in wing foiling. In all wind-related sports, we call the side which is facing toward the wind, the windward side, or upwind. Everything which is facing away from the wind, we call the leeward side, or downwind.

Handling Your Wing

Whenever you carry your wing or place it on the ground, the leading edge should be facing into the wind at an angle of 90 degrees.

Wing Foiling Crosswind

When riding as a beginner, you want to start at an angle of 90 degrees to the wind. This is also called crosswind course or beam reach.

Wing Foiling Upwind

When you ride at an angle towards the wind, we call it going upwind. You'll have to sheet in more with your back hand, and generally feel more pressure on your wing when riding upwind. Riding directly into the wind is not possible when wing foiling. You can only go up to around 45 degrees into the wind.

Wing Foiling Downwind

When you ride at an angle with the wind, you're going downwind. On this course, you sheet out, so the wing is open more than on the other courses. Going straight downwind is possible but needs more wind speed than your travel speed to keep foiling and not lose power in your wing. Going downwind at an angle up to around 45 degrees is the course you can reach the highest speeds.

Let's remember the key elements:

  • When carrying your wing, the front tube should be facing into the wind.
  • Always start to ride at an angle of 90 degrees to the wind.
  • When you turn upwind, sheet in.
  • When you turn downwind, sheet out.

24th Oct 2022 Aaron Johnson

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