Wake Foiling | How to Safely Fall Off of Your Hydrofoil

Wake Foiling | How to Safely Fall Off of Your Hydrofoil


There's no denying the adrenaline rush of hydrofoiling, but any time you slip out on your board and find yourself eyeing a descent toward carbon fiber and metal, you know you're heading for trouble. Fortunately, these hazardous scenarios are totally avoidable. While falling off a hydrofoil is part of the learning curve, it's how you fall that can make a significant difference in whether you get back on your board or head to the ER. In this blog, we'll discuss three critical tips to fall safely while hydrofoiling.

1. Embrace the Fall

The first strategy to dodge a collision with your foil begins with an internal acknowledgment: when you feel the board start to slip out from beneath you, commit to the fall. This approach is not about defeat; it's about safety. Struggling to save the fall can position you in a dangerous trajectory toward your board. So, when you sense that tip-over, let it happen. It might bruise your ego, but it'll save you from more painful alternatives.

2. Hang On Just a Little Longer

The second safety tactic involves a delicate balance of grip and release. When you find yourself falling, hold onto the handle for a moment longer, even after you've ditched the board. This tactic can provide just enough pull to distance you from the foil and position you safely in the water. Remember though, hanging onto the handle too long could lead to an awkward drag through the water, which is another scenario best avoided. The key is timing – a quick, calculated hold-and-release can make all the difference.

3. Gear Up for Safety

Safety equipment is non-negotiable when you're out hydrofoiling. The third way to cushion your fall is by gearing up with a helmet and a life vest. Falls will inevitably happen, but the impact can be substantially lessened with the proper safety gear. A life vest provides additional buoyancy, while a helmet offers crucial protection for your head. You might find the water surprisingly harsh when you hit it at speed; this gear can help make those falls more mellow.

Conclusion: Falling as an Art Form

Mastering the art of falling out of a hydrofoil is an essential skill in your wake foiling journey. So the next time you're out on the water and you feel the impending doom of a fall, keep these tips in mind: go with the fall, hang onto the handle just a tad longer after you ditch the board, and always gear up. This three-pronged approach will make your falls safer and a lot more mellow.

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Wake foiling with Cole
14th Jul 2023 Cole Buller

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