Snow Video: Jesper Tjader | "Unrailistic"

Snow Video: Jesper Tjader | "Unrailistic"

Jesper Tjader | "Unrailistic"

Have you ever felt the slight cringe of your eyes as you're watching someone perform stunts, anticipating the worst yet knowing they'll be fine? That's how the crew felt when we saw Jesper Tjader's edit. The combination of acrobatics, athleticism, and overall goofiness that comes from Jesper Tjader can be described no better than, "unrailistic". Appropriately titled, "Unrailistic" allows riders to see the traditional slopestyle course as more than what could be imagined. Tjader takes the classic style and turns it into a fun playground that beats any elementary school gravel pit by one-hundred percent. Tjader's rail park is unlike any other, offering new tricks that only once existed in Tjader's head.

Want to jam out sessions like Jesper Tjader? First, you'll need some gear...

MACkite has now begun to offer 2016 LineNordica skis, perfect for any Tjader-enthusiast. For the little ones, our Good2Grow Youth Trade-In Program will allow you to save money while letting your shredders learn with proper equipment. Have gear but need it tuned? Our team of Snow Experts are able to assist you in all ski & snowboard tunings as well as consultations.

30th Dec 2015 Angela Sorensen

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