Reedin SuperModel V3 - Designer Notes

Reedin SuperModel V3 - Designer Notes

Designer Notes: By Damien Girardin

Damien Girardin will tell you everything that went into designing SuperModel 3. From its general shape and construction, to SuperModels unique features that make it the favourite kite for so many riders all around the world.

'SuperModel is really a kite that reflects the real essence of kiting in my eyes: have as much fun as possible when we go out kiting no matter the conditions, being, gusty or steady, flat or choppy, waves or kickers, light or strong'

  • The focus in the design process is really simple, make the highest performing kite while keeping it as precise, forgiving and easy as possible.
  • To reach this goal, the process is always the same, I spend hours kiting in all types of conditions while analysing what’s happening with the kite. I look for feedback from our clients and riders, and look at video's of our kites flying in as many conditions as possible.
  • One aspect that I thought could be improved is the reaction to heavy load during over-powered conditions or heavy loaded turns such as kite loop.
  • Bridle balancing is almost 50% of kite design. So I focused specifically on analysing why some sizes handled better than others during the heavy loaded turns, and applied it to the ones that I felt could be improved. It seems like bridle adjustment could be a never ending project, but I’m confident that the SuperModel 3 is the best kite I could possibly design!

Supermodel v3 Hype Video

11th Apr 2022 Damien Girardin

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