Kite Girl's First Front Roll Tail Grab

Kite Girl's First Front Roll Tail Grab

The Non-inverted Sent Hooked-in Front Roll Tail Grab is a super easy beginner trick. Keep your hands close to the middle of the bar and get some speed with the bar sheeted slightly out. Come in with good speed and send the kite up to noon. At the same time, sheet the bar in and pop off your back leg.

As you leave the water, look over your back shoulder and swing your hips. Bring your back knee into your chest at the same time. Since this in a non-inverted roll, your body will automatically start to rotate. Remember, the body always follows the head. Tuck your back knee into your chest, poke your front leg out. Take your back hand off the bar and reach down. Since you tucked your back knee, the tail will be right there!

Taking your back hand off will also help send the kite back forward, pulling you out of the roll. Keep looking over your shoulder until you can spot your landing. Land downwind and let the kite pull you forward. For the landing, you won't be using the kite.

For the landing, you'll be riding on the board for a moment. Ride that out, lean back and start riding back upwind. This is a key point for all tricks. You can't land in the upwind position you started in. Riding downwind helps you land safely and give you the option to turn any trick into a transition.

Kristen Cooper

MACkite team rider, social media manager, and fitness junky. Kristen is an avid kiteboarder, cable boarder, and outdoor enthusiast. She's the kind of person who would prefer to spend her days outside on the water and her nights in front of a campfire with her dog. No stranger to living an active outdoor lifestyle, you're just as likely to find her pushing heavy weights in the squat rack as you would find her taking photos or videos for our team. Her mission is to travel as much as possible, spread joy and positivity with everyone, and to just get outside.

21st Jan 2021 Kristen Cooper

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