Kiteboarding Tricks | How To Do A Backroll Hat Drag

Kiteboarding Tricks | How To Do A Backroll Hat Drag

You can use a little creativity to switch up even the more basic tricks and add a little flair and style. David has a couple simple tips for your Backroll Hand Drag... and one involves your favorite beverage!

The Backroll Hat Drag is a natural addition to the Backroll Hand Drag. You won't really change how you do the trick, but it'll look that much more impressive.

First, make sure you've got your Backroll Hand Drag locked in. Next, wear a hat you can take off and put back on.

As you come in with some speed for the Backroll, take off your hat and have it ready in your front hand. (Once you're feeling really confident, you can pop your hat off as you pop off the water.) Start to bring the kite up to 12 and pop off the edge. Lean back toward the water and, instead of dragging your hand, drag your hat. Just be sure to hang on tight so the water doesn't pull it out of your hand!

As you finish your rotation, pop your hat back on your head, spot your landing, stomp it, and ride away, making sure to check to see who saw how awesome you looked. As you're getting the trick dialed in, you can also put your hat back on after you land so you're not trying to do two things at once.

A fun variation on this is to have a drink with you. Instead of dragging your hand or hat, take a sip of your refreshing beverage as you swing through your Backroll. But! As you spot your landing, pull your drink away from your face so you don't eat it in case you crash.

Those are just a couple ideas you can use to add a little something to your tricks. Give them a try the next time you're on the water.

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26th Jul 2024 David Fischer

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