Wizardhat Universal Hardware Set
Sizes: 25mm (designed for FCT) / 35mm
This hardware set will work with any base plate or 4-bolt tracked board on the market. This included M8 or M6 base plates and tracks. There is no more need for T-nuts or different sized bolts the Wizardhat will work on any. Also, the way the bolt sticks up through the track on top makes it easy to line up with the base plate.
Be careful not to over-tighten with the wrench as you will have a lot more leverage than the screwdrivers you have been using.
4 Reviews
WizardHat Hardware
LOVE the Wizard Hat Universal hardware. Using it on my F-One Rocket ASC and Fanatic Aero foil. The 25mm works great on the shallow F-One tracks. Very solid connection and I like that the bolts are sticking up and not down penetrating into the shell of the board which is what can happen with a shallow foil track. The wrench that came with is is very good too.
Wizard hat
Great bolts and nut set up for strong foil mast attachment to board when using shims. I put some old deck padding in the mast track to make sure the bolts stay high enough when placing the mast in position (the o-rings don’t hold them sufficiently). Love them otherwise
Particularly useful for carbon masts
Our second set of mast/foil we graduated to a carbon mast. One side effect of a carbon mast, at least in our case, is that we no longer have 'slots' or beveled holes for flat head bolts. Wizard Hat allows us to mount the bolts and nuts to the mast base before putting the track nuts into the board's fin track. This process is still slightly awkward, but my old nuts weren't meant to fit into the track straight up and down. You had to 'angle' them. That was ok for the leading two, but the aft two just wouldn't go. So if you're getting a carbon mast, the Wizard Hat hardware should get ordered with the mast. Once mounted they provide a decently low profile (the threads end up being pretty flush to the top of the nut). Order the wrench with it.
Works perfectly for attaching my Slingshot mast to the US fittings on my Fanatic Sky Wing.
Works perfectly! The box ratchet is worth the $