
AXIS Wake Thief Edition Complete Foil

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  • AXIS Wake Thief Edition Complete Foil
  • AXIS Wake Thief Edition Complete Foil
  • AXIS Wake Thief Edition Complete Foil - Front Wing
  • AXIS Wake Thief Edition Complete Foil - Rear Wing
  • AXIS Wake Thief Edition Complete Foil - Close up view
  • AXIS Wake Thief Edition Complete Foil - on water
  • AXIS Wake Thief Edition Complete Foil - action


AXIS Foils - Wake Thief Edition

Package Includes:
  • Your Choice of Axis PNG Front Wing
  • Axis Flat Pump 460/60 Rear Wing
  • Axis Red Short 680mm Fuselage
  • Your Choice of Axis Mast Length & Construction
  • Axis Screws/TefGel

How to Pick the Right Foil Package for You


910 - Big wake surfing behind, a surf boat & learning to foil behind a boat
1150 - Small wake surfing, dock starting, and pumping

Mast Length

75 - Recommended

Mast Type

Aluminum - Preferred
Carbon - Preferred at higher speeds, behind the boat

How Did We Select Our Favorite Foil?

Which Front Wing Is Right for Me?

What Mast Is Right for Me?

About AXIS Wake Thief Foil:

AXIS Wake Thief Foil

Flying above the water on a hydrofoil is an experience like no other. In the Spring of 2020, Devon @WakeThief discovered the AXIS PNG 1150 Carbon Front Wing, the largest area, high aspect ratio surf hydrofoil he could find. The AXIS PNG 1150 helped to double Devon’s flat water pumping distance, and enable 2.5 minutes of unassisted flight on a hydrofoil. This experience kicked off his journey to fly forever on a hydrofoil. He turned his lake front into a test facility, and began an effort to tune his AXIS setup for lake hydrofoiling. He paired the 1150 with different rear wings, fuselages, and masts, before arriving at his preferred setup. The Wake Thief Edition is Devon’s “go-to-setup” to dock start, surf the tiniest wakes, and pump around the lake to create an endless wave comprised of the wakes on the lake.

The front wing of the hydrofoil is the most important factor when setting up your hydrofoil, as the lift, drag and thrust are affected most by the front wing selection. Devon has tried more than 30 different hydrofoils and likes the AXIS PNG 1150 front wing because of its large area, which allows a rider to take off at low speeds, and it’s high aspect ratio wing shape, which allows it to glide great distances due to its low drag.  This is a unique and rare combination. The large area and high aspect ratio, combined with an effective lifting foil cross section makes this wing great at pumping long distances, even for large riders.

The mast connects the board of the foil to the glider section. The AXIS Aluminium 750mm mast is long enough to fly above passing wakes, yet short enough to maintain control of the foil. The thicker, 19mm mast is Devon’s mast of choice, due to its rigidity and stiffness needed to manage the wingtip loads of the large wingspan 1150 front wing.

The fuselage connects the front wing to the rear wing, and changes the pitch control of the foil. Devon prefers the Short fuselage. This fuselage length is well tuned to the pumping cadence and speed needed for long distance pumping, yet it’s still short enough to enjoy fluid & controlled carving. Devon also likes the Standard fuselage for pumping alone, but prefers the shorter fuselage as his all-around preferred fuselage.

The rear wing helps control pitch and also provides thrust during pumping. Devon favors the AXIS 460mm Carbon Rear Wing because of its thin cross section, relatively large area, and its high aspect ratio, low drag shape. The 460 provides both excellent thrust during pumping and low drag while flying, which helps reduce the overall pumping power needed.

When the Wake Thief Edition is paired with a shorter, low volume board, the energy needed to pump the foil is reduced because the shorter, lighter boards experience less inertia (“swing weight”) while pumping, as compared to larger boards.


Axis Foil Hardware Guide

Axis Foil Hardware Guide

Connection Head Qty and Length Diameter
Base Plate to Mast Star Recessed 2 x 35mm M8
Aluminum Fuselage to Mast (through Doodad) Star Recessed 2 x 70mm M8
Carbon Fuselage to Mast Star Recessed 2 x 30mm M8
Front Wing Model Front Screws Middle Screw Rear Screw
High Performance Speed (HPS) 1050 M6 x 14mm M8 x 20mm M8 x 20mm
High Performance Speed (HPS) 980 M6 x 14mm M8 x 20mm M8 x 20mm
High Performance Speed (HPS) 930 M6 x 14mm M8 x 16mm M8 x 20mm
High Performance Speed (HPS) 880 M6 x 14mm M8 x 20mm M8 x 20mm
High Performance Speed (HPS) 830 M6 x 14mm M8 x 16mm M8 x 20mm
High Performance Speed (HPS) 700 M6 x 14mm M8 x 16mm M8 x 20mm
High Performance Speed (HPS) 650 M6 x 14mm M8 x 16mm M8 x 20mm
Broad Spectrum Carve (BSC) 1120 M8 x 20mm M8 x 20mm M8 x 20mm
Broad Spectrum Carve (BSC) 1060 M8 x 20mm M8 x 20mm M8 x 20mm
Broad Spectrum Carve (BSC) 970 M8 x 20mm M8 x 20mm M8 x 20mm
Broad Spectrum Carve (BSC) 890 M6 x 18mm M8 x 20mm M8 x 20mm
Broad Spectrum Carve (BSC) 810 M6 x 14mm M8 x 20mm M8 x 20mm
Broad Spectrum Carve (BSC) 740 M6 x 14mm M8 x 20mm M8 x 20mm
Pump & Glide (PNG) 1310 M8 x 20mm M8 x 20mm M8 x 20mm
Pump & Glide (PNG) 1300 M8 x 20mm - M8 x 20mm
Pump & Glide (PNG) 1150 M8 x 20mm - M8 x 20mm
Pump & Glide (PNG) 1010 M8 x 20mm - M8 x 20mm
Pump & Glide (PNG) 910 M8 x 20mm - M8 x 20mm
Pump & Glide (PNG) 910B M6 x 14mm M8 x 20mm M8 x 20mm
Pump & Glide (PNG) 850 M6 x 14mm M8 x 20mm M8 x 20mm
Surf Performance (SP) 860 M8 x 20mm M8 x 20mm M8 x 20mm
Surf Performance (SP) 760 M8 x 20mm M8 x 20mm M8 x 20mm
Surf Performance (SP) 660 M8 x 20mm M8 x 20mm M8 x 20mm
AXIS Research Team (ART) 1099 M6 x 14mm M8 x 20mm M8 x 20mm
AXIS Research Team (ART) 999 M6 x 14mm M8 x 20mm M8 x 20mm
AXIS Research Team (ART) 899 M6 x 14mm M8 x 16mm M8 x 16mm
AXIS Research Team (ART) 799 M6 x 14mm M8 x 16mm M8 x 16mm
AXIS Research Team (ART) 699 M6 x 14mm M8 x 16mm M8 x 16mm
AXIS Research Team PRO (ARTPRO) 1401 M6 x 14mm M8 x 25mm M8 x 25mm
AXIS Research Team PRO (ARTPRO) 1201 M6 x 14mm M8 x 20mm M8 x 20mm
AXIS Research Team PRO (ARTPRO) 1121 M6 x 14mm M8 x 20mm M8 x 20mm
AXIS Research Team PRO (ARTPRO) 1051 M6 x 14mm M8 x 20mm M8 x 20mm
AXIS Research Team PRO (ARTPRO) 1001 M6 x 14mm M8 x 20mm M8 x 20mm
AXIS Research Team PRO (ARTPRO) 1001 M6 x 14mm M8 x 20mm M8 x 20mm
AXIS Research Team PRO (ARTPRO) 951 M6 x 14mm M8 x 20mm M8 x 20mm
AXIS Research Team PRO (ARTPRO) 901 M6 x 14mm M8 x 20mm M8 x 20mm
AXIS Research Team PRO (ARTPRO) 851 M6 x 14mm M8 x 16mm M8 x 16mm
AXIS Research Team PRO (ARTPRO) 801 M6 x 14mm M8 x 16mm M8 x 16mm
AXIS Research Team PRO (ARTPRO) 751 M6 x 14mm M8 x 16mm M8 x 16mm
AXIS Research Team V2 (ART V2) 999 M6 x 14mm M8 x 20mm M8 x 20mm
AXIS Research Team V2 (ART V2) 939 M6 x 14mm M8 x 20mm M8 x 20mm
AXIS Research Team V2 (ART V2) 879 M6 x 14mm M8 x 20mm M8 x 20mm
Spitfire 1100 M6 x 14mm M8 x 20mm M8 x 20mm
Spitfire 1030 M6 x 14mm M8 x 20mm M8 x 20mm
Spitfire 960 M6 x 14mm M8 x 20mm M8 x 20mm
Spitfire 900 M6 x 14mm M8 x 20mm M8 x 20mm
Spitfire 840 M6 x 14mm M8 x 20mm M8 x 20mm
Spitfire 780 M6 x 14mm M8 x 20mm M8 x 20mm
Spitfire 720 M6 x 14mm M8 x 16mm M8 x 16mm
Spitfire 670 M6 x 14mm M8 x 16mm M8 x 16mm
Spitfire 620 M6 x 14mm M8 x 16mm M8 x 16mm
Fuselage Compatibility Guide: Black only Red only Both All Screws are Star Recessed
Rear Wing Model Front Screw   Back Screw
Freeride 500A/90 M6 x 25mm   M6 x 25mm
Freeride 500/90 M6 x 25mm   M6 x 25mm
Freeride 440/90 M6 x 25mm   M6 x 25mm
Freeride 400/90 M6 x 25mm   M6 x 25mm
Freeride Small 390/80 M6 x 25mm   M6 x 25mm
Freeride Small 370/80 M6 x 25mm   M6 x 25mm
Freeride Small 340/80 M6 x 25mm   M6 x 25mm
Pump 460/60 M6 x 22mm   M6 x 22mm
Progressive 475/68 M6 x 22mm   M6 x 22mm
Progressive 450/67 M6 x 22mm   M6 x 22mm
Progressive 425/66 M6 x 22mm   M6 x 22mm
Progressive 400/65 M6 x 22mm   M6 x 22mm
Progressive 375/64 M6 x 22mm   M6 x 22mm
Progressive 350/63 M6 x 22mm   M6 x 22mm
Progressive 325/62 M6 x 22mm   M6 x 22mm
Progressive 300/61 M6 x 22mm   M6 x 22mm
Progressive 275/58 M6 x 22mm   M6 x 22mm
Progressive 250/56 M6 x 22mm   M6 x 22mm
Speed 420/60 M6 x 22mm   M6 x 22mm
Speed 380/60 M6 x 22mm   M6 x 22mm
Speed 400F/60 M6 x 22mm   M6 x 22mm
Skinny 365/55 M6 x 22mm   M6 x 22mm
Skinny 362/50 M6 x 22mm   M6 x 22mm
Skinny 360/45 M6 x 22mm   M6 x 22mm
Skinny 359/45 M6 x 22mm   M6 x 22mm
Skinny 358/45 M6 x 22mm   M6 x 22mm
Fuselage Compatibility Guide: Black only Red only Both All Screws are Star Recessed

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