MAC x Duotone Collab T-Shirt
This special t-shirt pays homage to our local riding spot - Grand Haven. It perfectly caprtures a normal season, with a Great Lakes salmon even making a special appearance!
Duotone Kiteboarding X MACkiteboarding Collab T-Shirts
Dustin and Jake reveal a sweet new shirt from MACkite and Duotone and talk about how it came to life and how to get yours. Jake: Today we've got some new swag that we're super excited to unveil to you. We have these exclusive MACkite and Duotone collaboration tees. The back has a large graphic, and the front is a little bit more discreet with just the text "mackite x duotone". As I like to say, business in the front, party in the back, and this is a party. Dusty, this is really your brainchild. You got this whole process started, so walk us through what we've got. Dustin: Yeah, at KoGL this past fall I was talking with Lauren, one of our Duotone tech reps. He was talking about this t-shirt company he's working for--shout-out to Inkognito--and Ben over there was awesome. He was like, "Let's do a collab." So we ended up with the Duotone x MACkite exclusive collab. Jake: How we're bringing these t-shirts to you: One, you can purchase them separately on our website. But also, for any inline 2023 kite or wing purchase, we're going to be including them. There's going to be a little size bar on the bottom. Buy that new wing, get some new swag. These shirts are honestly pretty nice for some swag t-shirts. Dustin: Yeah, true to size, really comfy. Jake: It is comfortable. The sleeves are not too bagged out like they can be in a swag t-shirt. There's a good taper through the waist, it's soft. I could cuddle up with this thing on the beach on a windy day. And the graphic... In the background we've got the Grand Haven pier lighthouses--normally they're red, but pink with some creative liberties--we've got a winger doing some skeleton magic, a little kiter in the back--we do still sell kites--and a Great Lakes salmon jumping up to munch on the winger. It doesn't get better than that. Anyway, we are super stoked. We're going to run these through the summer, and then we'll probably refresh the design. We all like new swag. But we wanted to show this to you and explain what that little sizing indicator is going to mean. We hope to see some pictures of you guys in them in the future. As always, thanks for checking us out. We'll see you next time!