Kite Video: Drone-boarding!

Kite Video: Drone-boarding!

Embracing the Future of Kiteboarding With Drones

We've all experienced those windless spells that have us looking at other ways to get a session in and keep our sanity. Newest on the list for windless days is drone boarding! It may not have the power or speed of a kite and may limit your sessions to easy cruising right now, but a sessions a session right? 

So am I looking to trade my kites in and grab a drone to start riding behind? Not yet. It has a while to go before drones will have the power and speed for me to think of that. Although I'm sure the next line of more powerful drones is somewhere in the future. 

Regardless. this video is worth the watch and it's something to keep your eye on. As technology in the drone world grows, our "windless" days may be fewer and farther between. 

10th Feb 2016 Ryan Hooker

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