Board Report: 2018 North Pro Whip CSC

OK, I’ve officially found my favorite kite-surfboard of all time, and it only took me 18 years. Ha!

Nah—seriously though, you’ve got to have a look at the NEW 2018 North Pro Whip CSC. 

This little blaster will have you grinning from ear to ear the first time out. I’ve spent a bit of time on the North Nugget and the North WAM, but the Pro Whip is my jam!

The first thing you’ll notice is how light the board is. North utilized bamboo and carbon in this board and it really shows. The next thing you’ll notice is the price tag—ouch. Now, here’s the thing to consider: how many years to you keep your typical kite surfboard? I’m willing to spend a few more bucks on my boards because I tend to keep them forever and the performance is worth it. I also bag and sometimes double bag my boards for daily use. I’m OCD that way.

This has also been one of those boards that many people have liked when they demo it from me. Usually, we’re caught up in our own little brand favorites world and aren’t always open to new suggestions. That hasn’t been the case with the Pro Whip. Everyone that has tried it has loved it.

“Compact surf shapes” have certainly established a role in the kiteboarding community, as kiters and surfers benefit from surfboards in different ways. Traveling with a compact surf shape is also easier, as they can fit in smaller bags than what a regular surfboard can.

This board is marketed as a freestyle board, but I love it as an all around board for smaller, waist to head-high waves, chop and flat-water tricks. The channel down the middle really seems to help when mowing through choppy conditions and the cork decking absorbs a lot of the vibration. Such a fun board!

And, if you’re into foiling, North has just released the Hybrid board. Which is basically the same board, but with a North 4-hole foil mounting system built in. Best of both worlds!

If you have any questions, please give us a shout. We’re always here to help!

Thank you, and good winds!


11th May 2018 Aaron Johnson

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